80s TV Shows

What Made “Full House” So Popular?

For those of you who grew up during the 80s, you’ve probably seen at least one episode of “Full House”. At least if there’s nothing else on, it’s surely come across your TV while you were flipping through channels.

For those of you who loved the show, there was something in it for everyone. It simply appealed to all ages and it was one of the best shows to watch as a family. But what was it specifically about “Full House” that made it so popular? Surely it wasn’t the only sitcom of the 80s; there was “Dallas”, “Golden Girls”, “The Cosby Show”, “Growing Pains” and “Roseanne” in the 80s. What made “Full House” stand out? Well it was more than just hot Uncle Jesse and cute little Michelle.

What Made “Full House” Popular

There were so many reasons as to why “Full House” was popular. To name just a few, it was actually realistic in that it dealt with common life situations, such as a single dad raising kids, the kids misbehave, the values of friendship, loss and so much more. Of course there’s the fact that it’s entertaining and funny, but the show has so much quality to it that other TV series are just lacking nowadays.

Here are some factors as to why “Full House” was so popular.

Danny Tanner with 3 Daughters

1. It was about a broken family

As soon as we enter adulthood, we can only hope for the best. That reality is always different for everyone, but “Full House” paints a good picture that life hardly ever turns out how we think it does; it’s full of twists and turns that nobody expects. Most couples dream of staying in love from the minute they fall into it until they take their last breath. But how often does that really happen?

In this sitcom, so many people can identify how it is to be a single dad raising three girls, and perhaps having some help with your best friends. Of course Joey and Jesse had their lives too, but it all happened under the same roof. Crazy to think of it, but it happened and they made it work.

“Full House” helped to show there are many broken families out there, and it helped them to realize they aren’t alone; there is always help available, and it will always come when you least expect it. You just have to be ready to realize and accept it when the time comes.

Danny Tanner with 2 Daughters

2. Danny Tanner was the BEST dad

Can you think of a moment from the series where Danny messed up as a dad? When gentleman struggle to be the best parent they can, they looked to Danny. Without the help of a single woman, Danny, his brother Jesse and his best friend Joey raised three young girls all by themselves. He certainly wasn’t prepared for what he was given, but he was there for them, he took care of them and he listened. How many dads do you know who do that?

Stephanie Sprayed with Beer

3. Tough situations were handled well

Not all, but a few episodes from “Full House” taught a lesson about difficult life situations, which made the show all the more exciting. Some of them include:

  • DJ and Kimmy fighting about drinking and driving
  • Stephanie getting punished for drinking when she didn’t
  • Jesse, Danny and Joey taking a job elsewhere and deciding against it or staying out of a long distance relationship
  • Stephanie getting peer-pressured to smoke

Many of these life situations still occur forty years later, which shows that time doesn’t change everything. Almost everyone gets caught in these difficult situations at one point or another.

Michelle Full House

4. Little Michelle was super cute!

Let’s face it, one of the biggest reasons why so many people were immediately hooked into “Full House” was because of Michelle. I mean, who could resist that little face? And there were plenty of times where the show captured her best moments, such as:

  • Everyone singing “Ring Around the Rosie” and she stuck her tongue out when they all immediately sat down at the end
  • When Uncle Jesse and Uncle Joey were trying to get her to go to bed while she was bouncing on the horse and she only said “No”
  • On Halloween when she came out dressed as a pumpkin
  • The baby chick moment with her and Uncle Jesse
  • Danny potty training and praising her when she goes
  • When she works out with Uncle Jesse
  • “You got it dude!”

Uncle Jesse Girlfriend

5. The show is timeless

If you think back to all the episodes, how many times can you count where that situation can only relate to the 80s or 90s? Surely their clothes will only be fashionable at that time, but there are so many instances that are identical to what we deal with today, such as:

  • Drama between sisters
  • The good-looking guy gets all the girls
  • Potty training
  • 2-year-old always saying “no”
  • Young teen girl falls in love with a boy, gets her heart broken and realizes there’s more to life than boys
  • Getting annoyed with the loud and geeky cousin, Steve Urkiel
  • Teens getting accused of drinking
  • Giving birth
  • Sisters fighting and breaking something in the process

6. It was funny!

Tell me you watched the full series and never laughed once. I bet you couldn’t! There were so many instances, both typical and unexpected in “Full House” that were simply hilarious! Here are some to name a few:

  • Danny making a fool of himself while trying to ask Linda out to the movies, and joking that he was “still workin’ on it”.
  • Danny pounding on his chest while having his “nature moment”
  • Uncle Joey, DJ and Stephanie dancing and singing along to “I Think We’re Alone Now”

Fuller House

7. They made a sequel, “Fuller House”

While “Fuller House” simply doesn’t compare to “Full House”, the new spinoff series that ran from 2016 to 2020 focused on DJ Tanner-Fuller, who was a widow mother of three sons, lived with them, her sister Stephanie and her best friend Kimmy in the Tanners’ childhood home in San Francisco. Although Mary-Kate nor Ashley were never featured in the newer series because of their schedules and Ashley felt uncomfortable being in front of the camera, according to the show’s producer, Bob Boyett.

Although it still isn’t clear on whether or not there will be a “Fullest House” we are always happy to watch the re-runs of “Full House” on HBO Max.

Why Did “Full House” End?

Unfortunately after the 8th season of “Full House”, things started to get expensive after ABC claimed they were spending $1.3 million to air one episode. The girls were also growing up; Stephanie was heading off to college and there wasn’t much DJ nor Michelle could do that Stephanie didn’t do already. Allegedly, the show was supposed to be moved to CW, but it fell through as the characters were ready to call it quits.

Full House

What Do You Think of Full House?

I’d love to hear what you thought about “Full House”! Did you have any favorite episodes? Did you watch it by yourself or with your family? Can you relate to any of these situations from the show? How does it compare to other sitcoms you watched during the 80s? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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